March 9, 2020

As a business owner, there are a lot of things that you need to manage and organize to keep operations running efficiently. Your commercial building may have dozens or hundreds of people to keep at a comfortable temperature each day or night. So, how do you know that it’s running at its peak and working well? Here are some signs that your commercial HVAC system could need repair.

#1: High utility bills.

Managers and business owners are always looking closely at the company’s numbers. Profit and loss are important, so understanding what the operating costs each month are is something you’re likely familiar with. Have you noticed a spike in utility bills? There could be a reason: your heating and cooling system might need attention. If energy rates have not increased significantly or there hasn’t been a dip in outside temperatures, high utility bills could be a sign that your system is not working efficiently. A repair or replacement could be in order.

#2: Unusual sounds and odors.

Any time you notice a weird smell or unusual noise coming from your heating and cooling system, you should take note. Burning smells, clanging, or popping are all not normal in the HVAC system’s functionality. It’s important to be on the safe side and call our experienced team of technicians at Climate Control to take a close look at it. Any of these odors or sounds could mean that something could be broken inside – maybe even a crucial component of the system. Don’t delay in making an appointment, because the safety of you and your employees could be at risk.

#3: Fluctuating temperatures.

Too hot? Too cold? Or maybe the air coming out of the vents simply is not the temperature that you have designated on the thermostat. These could be signs pointing to a system malfunction. Uneven temperatures or those that fluctuate throughout the day or night could mean that you need a professional repair.

Our team at Climate Control is dedicated to getting your commercial building’s heating and cooling system up and running reliably efficiently. Contact us today for an HVAC repair appointment or to schedule your spring preventative maintenance appointment so you and your employees can work comfortably all day long.

Contact Climate Control today!

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