August 3, 2020

The weather is heating up and it looks like it will stay warm for the foreseeable future. If you’ve noticed your air conditioning is struggling to keep up on the days that hit 90 degrees or higher, you’re not alone. We have received many customer inquiries as to why their AC system isn’t able to keep things as cool as they want. Here are some tips that can help you keep your home comfortable, even on the hottest of days.

#1: Understand your AC system’s capacity.

When the temperatures are into the 90s, your air conditioning will be running non-stop to keep your house cool. However, higher outside temperatures can cause your home to be a bit warmer than what you normally prefer. Most air conditioning units can only offer a 20-degree difference from outside to inside. So, if it’s 95 degrees outside, and your thermostat is set at 72, it will generally not get below 75 degrees in your home.

#2: Dirty filters.

Dirty air filters will slow the airflow that’s coming into your system and make your AC work harder than it needs to. This translates to higher utility bills and excess energy usage. We recommend changing or cleaning your filters every one to two months depending on the type of filter you have and how you live in your home.

#3: Schedule preventative maintenance.

If your system is more than a decade old, there’s a good chance that it could be struggling to keep up because of its age. Be sure to have your system professionally tuned up every year to help ensure no internal issues are happening. These appointments also help keep the system running at peak efficiency.

#4: Know the age of your system.

Is your system 10-12 years old? It may be time to replace for something more efficient and reliable. We have a variety of system options that will work for your home and your budget.

Contact us today to schedule your preventative maintenance appointment, repair, or to talk to us about getting a full system replacement. With warm here to stay for a while, now is the time to act!

Contact Climate Control today!

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