How To Stay Cool If Your AC Breaks

June 7, 2020

The summer months are notorious for heat and humidity that can be annoying or even dangerous to contend with. However, if you have air conditioning in your home, you can create dry and cool conditions indoors with the flip of a switch. While it may be challenging to stay comfortable if your cooling system is not working properly, there are several tactics that you can use to stay safe until it can be fixed. Block the Light Keeping your home at a reasonable temperature can be as easy as making sure that your home

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Reasons to Go Ductless This Summer

June 5, 2020

Has your air conditioner seen better days? Maybe you’re on the fence about getting a new cooling system installed this year. Summer starts on June 20th and that means warm weather will be here to stay for a while. You need to have a cooling system that is reliable all season long. Ductless systems are a great option! These efficient systems providing heating and cooling, all year long – in one machine! No ductwork? No problem. Ductless systems are the answer. These are affordable and installed in just one to two days. They are easily installed

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What Does An AC Compressor Do?

May 11, 2020

Updated: December 2024 Your air conditioner works hard in the summer to keep you cool. You might wonder about some of those moving parts. One of the most critical components is the compressor. This part is the workhorse of the system that operates basically in the same way as a heart. It uses its power to move air and keep all the components running within your system. Let’s take a deeper look at your air conditioning compressor. Contact Climate Control for expert AC services!

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How to Solve Unevenly Cooled Rooms

May 7, 2020

Have you experienced the frustration of heading to a room of your house and it is a lot hotter or cooler than the rest of the house? Our team at Climate Control often works on homes with multiple levels, and we often hear that they are finding it difficult to get even temperatures throughout the home. If your upstairs is warmer than the downstairs or some rooms are significantly different in temperature, we understand the frustration. But don’t worry – we can help! Zoning systems are a great option to keep your home comfortable from room to room.

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What are the Benefits of Air Cleaners in my Home?

April 15, 2020

You might have been hearing a lot of fuss lately about the virtues of indoor air purifiers and find yourself wondering if they really are that great of an investment. To be clear, an air purifier is a system of fans that actually work together to pull the air inside your home through a filter. That filter will then take care of many harmful particles you would otherwise be breathing in. That being said, it is important to note the benefits of an air cleaner to help you make a purchasing decision. 1. You’ll Be Sure

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Heat Pumps Vs. Air Conditioners

April 6, 2020

Spring is here and while many of us are required to stay indoors for the next several weeks because of COVID-19, it’s time to start planning ahead for the warm summer months. You might still be using your furnace for heat right now, but soon you will need to think about what you will do to cool your home when the weather warms up. If you don’t have a reliable cooling system in place, a heat pump or air conditioner are two options for you. Get ready to ditch your bulky window air conditioning unit and upgrade your system. Wondering

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We are here to serve you safely!

March 24, 2020

With the Governor’s announcement to stay home as much as possible and non-retail businesses to enforce and maintain social distancing measures. We wanted to reach out to let you know we are here to serve you safely. As a company, we continue to strive for the highest level of caution and social distancing measures. Our team of service technicians, installers and consultants will LIMIT their time to only providing essential services in your home. All of our team, both office and field have been instructed to remain home if they are not feeling

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How Is an Air Handler Different From a Furnace?

March 18, 2020

Updated: December 2024 Furnace, humidifier, blower fan, capacitor, evaporator coil, and air handler are all terms we hear when we talk about an HVAC system. Most people have no idea what they do or what the differences between them are. However, understanding them is critical to ensure that you can maintain your system properly and you don’t waste money on unneeded repairs. HVAC 101 – How It Works To begin, you need to understand how your system works. All HVAC systems work with two primary

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Is A REME® Halo or REME® LED Air Purifier Right for My Home?

March 10, 2020

Is the air you breathe clean? Chances are, it’s not as clean as it could be. In fact, indoor air can be up to 10 times more polluted than outside air. With a lot of talk in the media about staying healthy and avoiding viruses that are circulating right now, it’s important to find ways to purify the air you breathe. That’s why proudly install REME® Halo and REME® LED air purifiers. Here are some details about why these systems do a great job to help you boost your indoor air quality. REME HALOTM Whole Home

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Does Your Commercial HVAC System Need Repair?

March 9, 2020

As a business owner, there are a lot of things that you need to manage and organize to keep operations running efficiently. Your commercial building may have dozens or hundreds of people to keep at a comfortable temperature each day or night. So, how do you know that it’s running at its peak and working well? Here are some signs that your commercial HVAC system could need repair. #1: High utility bills. Managers and business owners are always looking closely at the company’s numbers. Profit and loss are important, so understanding what

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